
Inspire people to eat alternative products

Target Group

  • Young and young adults Middle and upper socioeconomic class
  • Educated with a high level of tasting new products in the market


  • Inform about the new product line and its benefits
  • Encourage trial


People feel confident when eating healthy food. On the other hand, when they are found in an unpleasant situation, they like to consume ice-cream


Based on the insight the campaign emphasizes on the amazement and the surprising fact of the target group when they can enjoy an ice cream which is healthier that the common one. Thus, the concept is based on a situation of people eating ice cream, which is brain freeze.

Brain freeze is the pain that many people experience while eating ice cream, as well as it can be characterized as the situation when a person cannot think clearly or remember something. So, despite the reference of ice cream through the first interpretation, brain freeze highlights the surprise of eating an organic ice cream made with goat milk, so the brain has frozen and cannot think clearly.

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Eleni Xirou


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